Thursday, May 28, 2009


What do you do about woodchucks? The perennial question keeps coming. When I started gardening, woodchucks were only a part of a silly rhyme, and their lack certainly helped my prolific yield with so little time. However, they do visit me now. They are also called "ground hogs" and are a problem whatever you call them.

First, I discovered that human hair scattered around the garden really does work. Someone suggested that barber shops probably give fewer chemicals than beauty shops. Anyway, for a short-term fix, go to one or the other. Give them warning so they can sweep up the hair separate from other garbage. This deterrent will last until the next rain, and then you must do it again. I got tired of this activity, and the residue is truly ugly in the garden.

I'm told that coyote urine works for one gardener, but it too needs to be replaced after every rain. It and fox urine are commercially available. Some recommend fox urine, but it didn't work for me nearly as well as human hair.

Then I hired someone ($75, I think), who put a trap in my yard with store-bought broccoli in it. No results. The only success I've had with trapping is to put it just outside the hole after the woodchuck has gone in (could be late in the evening) with enticing goodies in the trap (leaves of Jeruselum artichoke works best for me) and clog up the sides of the trap to prevent an alternate escape. Then what? The NJ DEP forbids transferring wild animals to another location, and allows killing only by lethal injection. This seems more practical for woodchucks than squirrels, but they didn't tell me where to get the equipment for such injections.

Jose (, 973-233-1106) tells me he can build a fence to keep them out of a garden, but this is a real project. The fence must be sturdy, at least 4' high and must extend at least a foot below the ground's surface. I'm not sure how this affects the resale value of a house, but it certainly affects the lifestyle of a gardener. My daughter and her husband installed one last month, a first-time adventure for both of them, but they had "had it" with invaders.

Early on in my woodchuck days I installed an electric fence. This worked, but a neighbor disapproved, and we couldn't find a replacement battery to make it work the following year. It was an expensive way to have one woodchuck-free year. A friend told me her children liked to touch her electric fence to annoy her. I accidentally touched it once, and wouldn't do that again just to annoy someone, but I didn't seem to suffer any adverse consequences after the brief encounter.

Last August I was given a plant that presumably keeps woodchucks off a property, and I had none for eight months. However, we now see them here repeatedly. The gifter assures me that when the plants get bigger and spread, my woodchuck problems will be over. I like that dream.

Meanwhile, my current coping mechanism is to work hard at rejoicing at what the woodchucks leave for me and other humans. (A neighbor told me recently she saw TWO cavorting on my next door neighbor's front lawn.) Fred and I each ate a half a pea yesterday, a big come-down for someone who froze dozens of servings of peas last year. But the Sugar Anns have revived admirably and the Sugar Snaps are sneaking up the fence wherever they are protected by tomato or pak choi plants. Incidentally, I don't perceive garlic as being a deterrent at all; woodchucks don't eat garlic, but they eat right around it. I planted four replacement broccoli, and one lost its head yesterday. Maybe some will last for humans! We are sharing the parsley. They have eaten lots of lettuce, but enough has burrowed itself in the pak choi and tomatoes for humans to have a decent salad each day thus far.

On the positive side, woodchucks don't eat tomato plants, although they will take a bite out of large tomatoes (and my prized 1" green tomato last month). They don't compete for Hakurai turnips, and I'm stirring lots of their greens into stir-fries these days as well as reveling in the roots. Collards are abundant and unmolested. Pak choi thrives. Radishes don't fill you much, but they are available now. Fred and I have had LOTS of strawberries on our breakfasts yesterday and today, and that is LIVING. It looks like strawberries will continue until the promising raspberries are available.

So life is still good, and the garden is satisfying, even though both can be frustrating.


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Monday, May 25, 2009


The topic that received the most questions at my last week's Open Gardens was carrots. There were lots of things to tell about this year's crop, then and now, but I need to tell my historical pattern first.

Perhaps most important, carrots need a "mature" soil that is friable, rich in nutrients, and easy to penetrate. I recommend not trying during your first couple of years of gardening in any one plot.

When I reached carrot-promising stage, Bob McClean at 51 Gordonhurst, who started gardening in 1930, told me that he put plastic bags of leaves over his carrots in the winter so he could harvest them all winter without going to the trouble of storing them first. A yard-high bag of leaves insulates the carrots and keeps them from freezing.

He suggested I sow carrot seeds in April for harvest the following winter. Since then I've always scattered seeds in April. The first year or two I watched the birds nibble at my carrot patch, so since then I have covered the new bed with floating cover. Once I left it on until too late in June and the tops were burned; that winter I didn't get my fair share of carrots.

So since then I've been careful to take the floating cover off not too late in June. Then I thin the carrots to a half inch spacing, weeding and mulching in between the seedlings with fresh grass clippings as I go. This is a time-consuming task.

In July I have traditionally thinned to one inch spacing, again weeding a mulching as I go. This time the thinnings are big enough to eat; they are called "finger carrots." In August I then thin to two-inch spacing, weeding and mulching as I go. By now the thinnings qualify as "carrots."

Then the plot takes care of itself until some time in December when the tops fall in some frost. I take plastic bags of leaves that Fred has gathered from curbs in nearby towns (Montclair insists on paper bags, which are environmentally desirable, but not good for my purposes) and I have stowed nearby, and I put them over the entire carrot bed(s).

Throughout the winter, I remove the snow if needed (shoveling or brushing as appropriate) off one bag, put the bag aside, take out a week's worth of carrots, and put the bag back where it was. This year I was harvesting LOTS of carrots until April. We had an excellent season last year for raising carrots.

This year I had the misfortune of sowing my first crop of carrots (snax) the week before that very hot spell with temperatures in the 90's. This is bad for germinating carrots; they like April weather. I tried to water them, but... Anyway, when one of my first visitors last week asked to see under the floating cover, I removed one corner and was relieved that respectable carrots seedlings were there. What I discovered when I removed the entire cover on Monday was that were were large blank spots. This is very unusual, perhaps unprecedented. I wish I had watered more assiduously, or perhaps not sown the entire packet at once, but life is full of "wish I hads".

After the hot weather I sowed my nantes carrots in a nearby plot, and they have done better. I think it's the weather, not the seeds or my treatment of them. One guest insisted that a carrot plant was poking the floating cover high. I said it was just a weed, but she insisted. I
thought I'd show her she was mistaken, but I showed her she was right. The carrots have grown unprecedentedly fast this year!

So I took the floating covers off in mid-May, not in June as customary. When I get a round 'tuit, I may transplant some of the extra nantes carrots into the snax plot, thereby becoming unable to tell which is which. That's a silly consideration I tell myself, considering how little attention I paid to the difference last year. Both did well. I fear neither will this year, but they may. They are growing rapidly, and the total volume may make up for the non-carrots that didn't germinate. I'll know by March, maybe by February.

Anyway, carrots are mighty welcome as a fresh crop in winter, and pleasant in August. When your soil is ready, I recommend them as worth the effort. Admittedly, they aren't as MUCH better than store-bought as home-grown tomatoes, which often grow in any soil. I can easily taste the difference, however, between homegrown and commercial carrots.


PS: [from a related post]
Someone asked, "What is thinning?" We all know there is jargon in every human endeavor, and I guess I assumed more than I should have. You have all heard of thick woods and thick hair. If you scatter carrot seeds, you may get a think crop of carrots. Then you need to "thin" the crop by pulling out the excess. We speak of "thinning to one inch" when we are pulling out enough carrots so that the remaining ones are all at least one inch from their nearest neighbor. The tradition was to thin to a half inch in June, to one inch in July, and to two inches in August. My tradition was to throw away or compost the thinnings, but this year I've been transplanting them to fill in the empty spots and to expand the carrot plot. The moist weather has been conducive to success in this project.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Open Garden report

We had a plant exchange on Saturday, and most seedlings were taken, but my mystery tomatoes were neglected. This surprised me since last year 200 tomato seedlings were taken from my front steps, 150 potted up by me and 50 donated by others. Perhaps this year people are collecting their own volunteers, or perhaps my publicity has been inadequate. Anyone still interested in volunteer mystery tomato seedlings?

At the OG I gave away lots of garlic plants. I realized Friday that I had far more than I can use, and the response to my offers to pull and give were enthusiastic. I bought one garlic years ago, and these are all descendants of that one. I have also eaten lots of garlic! If you took one, wait until the top looks dead, and then dig the garlic. The books say to hang it by the dead leaves for a while. I do that with good results,, but I have no idea how important it is. [P.S. on June 9: I pulled out two plants today to make room for eggplant plants, and -- voila -- there were "mature" cloves of garlic at the bottoms! So you don't HAVE to wait until they look dead.]

I collected lots of sympathy for my woodchuck-snipped peas and brocolli plants (as requested) and some admiration for my tomatoes that are almost the size of peas in mid-May. When I showed off my Hakurei turnips, one visitor said he likes to cook the greens. My Chinese cabbage that I eat fresh every three days in January-March is all gone, and I cooked the Hakurei greens with pak choi last evening. It was indeed delicious.

Many people helped me curb my overgrowing strawberry plants. Hopefully, they will get some berries from them. One person who took some last month said his already has berries! I have a good many green berries next to my driveway and the neighbors', and lots of pretty flowers in the back, where I encouraged people to "weed" them from the edge. Visitors commented about the straw that was visible around the strawberries. It is now easily available on curbs after Halloween, and I've had much better yields since I put about a 4" mulch of straw over the plants each November. The plants poke through in the spring, and obviously are happier than they were before I had easy access to straw. Strawberries like straw, the source of their English name.

People were interested in my four visible crops of lettuce. One commented that hers turns bitter and now she knows what to do about that: plant again about every three weeks, so there is more available when hers turns bitter.

The collards are impressive now, and we talked about them lots. I eat collards every three days at this season. The crop that got the most discussion was carrots, but that's worth an email of its own some day soon.


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Raising fruit

In 1997 Fred and I were fruit-self-sufficient from late May until late October. That was 12 years ago, and there hasn't been any great disaster in our yard since -- just squirrels. However, we do eat a lot of fresh, local fruit and enjoy it very much.
The strawberries are forming as I write this. I bought a few (three?) plants some years ago, and transplanted the daughters. I now have several plots, each with a substantial yield. Last year I discovered that if I pick them when they are just turning color, they ripen quickly, often overnight, and are delicious -- certainly much better than feeding the wildlife from a selfish point of view. My daughter says she learns that strawberry season is beginning when she discovers a half of a ripe strawberry on her back steps. She suspects chipmonks. Anyway, they alert her to the possibility of searching her yard for goodies, and soon she has enough for "them and us." For several weeks Fred and I have strawberries on our breakfast every day.
As they are ebbing, the raspberries begin. I recommend "Heritage," which are available in most garden centers. A friend told me this week that a young plant costs over $20 at Plochs. It is worth cultivating a raspberry rich friend, because, like strawberries, raspberries will take over your property if not curbed, which means owner can give the plants away. Heritage bear from late June into July, and then again late in the summer until frost -- on younger plants. Each plant lives only a year, bearing first in late summer and then an early crop, so the big nuisance of raspberry care is cutting out the dead wood in mid-summer from among the youngsters. Fortunately, the thorns on raspberries are mild compared to those on roses (which are mild compared to those on gooseberries). I fertilize them with the leaves that Fred brings me each fall, which I use for a generous mulch.
My white peaches bear about the time raspberries are fading, along with Concord seedless grapes (next to the house). The peaches take no care, and the grapes need only a pruning each February.
Blueberries down the neighbor's driveway bear sequentially through the summer. Long ago I bought a set of bushes that bear one after the other from a now-defunct mailorder source. You put a lot of labor into harvesting blueberries per mouthful, but the bushes are beautiful, and they stay put, unlike raspberries. Mine are over 20 years old, and have been fertilized only with other people's discarded Christmas trees, which Fred drags home for me each January. We put five trees, cut up, under our blueberry bushes each year. They smell very good!
In August we get delicious Bartlett pears. In 2004 we harvested 70 from our miniature tree, but usually the squirrels make sure we get only about 20. Still, that's wonderful eating! Next are red delicious apples and then macintosh apples. There are three other trees, but they give only a couple fruit at best -- so far. I bought these from John, who had a front-yard orchard on Grove Street until he died of cancer. He was appalled that I refuse to spray my fruit trees, but I do get decent harvests, although I donate some to mildew. The basic care of fruit trees is pruning in February and thinning the fruit to 6" spacing when they are between a quarter and a half inch in diameter. If you forget this service, the tree responds by having no fruit at all the following year; fruit trees don't like to be overworked.
About a decade ago the neighbor and I put in native plum trees alternately along the back line of our properties. They provide some visual privacy now. A later neighbor once made credible wine from the plums. They are good, but bear at the same time as the Bartlett pears, which is stiff competition.
By the time the tree fruit is fading the raspberries are bearing with enthusiasm. At least once a day I can gorge for 15 minutes. Once when my kids were home for college we all three harvested on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning and took what we hadn't eaten to chuch. Someone computed we brought 20 pints -- enough for everyone to eat plentifully after the service with some left over to be taken home. If you can tolerate some wildness, raspberries are a delight. During my July and September Open Gardens children roam through my raspberry patches and don't interfere with grownup conversation. There seems to be enough for 2-3 hours of entertainment.
In late October (?) Arctic kiwi are ripe. What a treat! The problem with kiwi is building a strong enough support. Our efforts seemed almost Biblical. Then, however, they are delicious and long-lasting. They taste like the kiwi in the stores, but have smooth skin that you eat and are smaller, like huge grapes. They also may be somewhat sweeter, but that's probably because you eat them totally fresh.
Raising fruit is much harder than raising vegetables, partially because it takes years to get it going, but it surely raises the quality of life once you enjoy the tasting.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Open Gardens this weekend and more

Saturday, May 16: 2:00-5:00 PM (except Pat's) An Open Garden tour sponsored by the Cornucopia Network of NJ: Pat Kenschaft, 56 Gordonhurst Ave. 2:00 - 4:00 PM (last tour begins at 3:30) Displays in front yard will continue until 5:00 PM;Bob McLean, 51 Gordonhurst Avenue;Grace Grund, 3 Dodd Street (8 blocks away) She also raises chickens and will host a meeting at 5:00 PM for current and prospective chicken raisers.Kevin Fried, 19 Dodd Street (3 houses down);Anne Sailer, 223 Valley Road;Jose German and Dave Wasmuth, 69 Grove Street;Judy Hinds, 156 Rhoda Avenue, Nutley;Lulu Hicks, 32 Smith Street, Bloomfield (first year garden)
May 17, Sunday 2:00-5:00 PM (except Pat's): Pat Kenschaft, 56 Gordonhurst Ave. 2:00 - 4:00 PM (last tour begins at 3:30) Displays in front yard continue until 5:00 PM);Bob McLean, 51 Gordonhurst Avenue.;Scott Seale, 280 Upper Mountain Avenue (first year, front yard garden);Mary Szumski, 166 Alexander Ave. (first year garden);Necole Fabris, 8 Prospect Place, West Orange
May 19, 7:30: Gray Russell, the Environmental Affairs Coordinator of Montclair, and expert on global warming, will give a talk at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on the environmental impact of coal mining and coal power plants.
June 6: Montclair's farmers' market begins for the season.
June 13: Montclair EcoFair: BlueWaveNJ and the Ecocrew (an amazing group of kids from MHS) aresponsoring our 3rd Annual ECOFAIR IN MONTCLAIR - How To Save The Planet in Your Own Backyard. It will be held Saturday, June 13th from 12:00 to 4:00 pm at Edgemont Park. We are looking for ecofriendly vendors,organizations and artists that may want to bring their wares and information to the Montclair community. There is a $35.00 erase your carbon footprint fee unless you are not for profit. We get a wonderful turn out - last year we had over 300 people before the rains came half way through! We have local student and parent bands, environmental speakers, and lots of games for tots and kids. This year we are hoping to find some finger food and drink/ices vendors aswell - as long as you don't need electricity! Please contact Claire Ciliotta at
June 20: Brookdale Park Rose Garden - Half a Century Celebration - 11am-4pm Come join The Essex County Master Gardeners and Essex County Parks and Recreation Department to celebrate the rose garden's 50 years of existence. The garden is on the right side as you enter the park via Grove St, Montclair. The parks department will provide refreshments and music. To sponsor a rose bed or to make a donation,

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Garden sadnesses

I've heard that something that seems too good to be true probably is.
Last July a visitor told me of an anti-woodchuck plant; she has had no woodchucks (also called "groundhogs") in her yard since she imported it for that purpose. I was overjoyed when she brought me some seedlings in August. Whew! Since then I had no woodchucks... until last week.
Last week my heart sank when I saw one through my kitchen door. I went out and it made a bee-line down the garage into the woodchuck hole under the garage. I burrowed in the garage for the 9-month neglected cage, and put it where it would do the most good in front of the hole. The next morning it had an occupant.
Story done? Yesterday morning Fred saw another woodchuck in the garden, but it didn't run into that hole. After lunch we saw a pile of dirt on the cement walk next to the house that obviously had come from a new hole under the house. I put the cage there, but observed no success this morning. We were away most of the time from mid-afternoon yesterday until mid-afternoon today.
As I meditated outdoors this afternoon, it seemed that the lettuce plants weren't complete. Looking more closely later, I saw signs of damage. I decided to pick lots of ready lettuce. I usually pick dinner late in the afternoon when it will be eaten, but now it seemed prudent to get there ahead of the thief. Most Americans eat food picked days earlier. (Marion Nestle computed that the minimum time for asparagus to travel from the farm to NYC store shelves is ten days.)
However, as my eyes scanned the pea vines, I saw something much sadder than missing lettuce. When a pea vine is nipped, that is many future peas that won't be harvested. :( There was one vine lying on the garden path, not even eaten by its murderer. Woodchucks are an egregiously wasteful pest. When they eat a pea vine, both they and we have much less food in the future.
Then I noticed that the brocolli plants are essentially all gone. I mourned for a while, and then realized I can buy replacements at Bartlett's when the culprit is captured. I like to raise my own seedlings, but Bartlett's (and others) do a fine job. The Bartletts have a stand on Grove Street just north of Montclair on the left before you reach Rt. 3. They support a 14-member, 4-generation family on three acres, and I like to give and send them business. Family businesses are the heart of healthy American capitalism.
Gone brocolli is easier to replace than gone pea vines, which take time to grow in place -- and should be planted in March or April.
The culminating experience of the afternoon came when I brushed the dirt from the new hole back into the hole. Amid the dirt was a half a tomato. My prize tomato! Started by Renae on January 11. It was almost the size of a golf ball, but it had been picked and half eaten. Those wasteful woodchucks. At least it could appreciate the whole thing! I was comforted to see another tomato below it, somewhat larger than a pea. I hope it's still there tomorrow. I put a cage around the plant, not because it needs one for support yet, but hoping...
I was beginning to plant out tender plants from my bulging greenhouse window. Thus far the zuchinni plants have not been nipped. Basil has been traditionally unappetizing to woodchucks. Anyone know whether they eat zinnia plants? I'm sufficiently dissatisfied with the crabgrass-like stuff the Belgian block installers put between the street and the sidewalk that I was considering digging it out and putting zinnias there. I have a bumper crop of zinnia seedlings now. I'm curious about others' experiences with woodchucks and zinnia plants. Crabgrass is better than feeding woodchucks.
Life isn't perfect, even in a home garden. But the spring has been lovely, hasn't it?

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Garlic, skunks, and holly

At the open garden a nice man asked what the bottom of my plentifulgarlic plants look like now. I pulled one up, and it looked like -- well,like one bulb with promise. I put it back, and almost immediately felt asense of guilt for not giving it to the nice man.
The guilt has grown (Fred says this is a middle class hazard), and now Iam facing up to the situation of having FAR more more garlic plants than I can possibly use. One "solution" is to put them in the holes that the skunks keep digging in my garden by night, having noticed that they don't seem to invade the places where the garlic is. It's nice to have skunks taking my grubs, but enough is enough! Surely they can find more useful places to dig than the place they dug last night.
This still leaves me with far more garlic than I can use. I suspect each needs a decent space to develop an entire garlic bulb like the ones in the stores. I had plenty last year and don't need more this year. So I've begun digging them out. They are in a bucket on my front steps at 56 Gordonhurst Avenue. You may take out as many as you can use. I doubt that anyone will want a garden full of garlic! They don't taste much different (if any) from bought garlic (unlike most fresh veggies), but they are reputed to deter woodchucks. All I have are descended from ONE bulb bought some years ago.
So if one of these survives in your yard, you too could be giving away garlic some day. I don't know how long they will survive in the bucket, but I'm sure the sooner they are replanted, the better.
I'm ashamed at how long it took me to realize I should be doing this. I should have given them away at last week's open garden. Enough! How much do guilt trips (and trying to repress them) explain human misinteractions?
Just this morning I notice some "small" holly trees under the mother holly in my front yard. Do anyone want to dig one or two out and take it to a more promising home? This can be done only by appointment, so if you are interested, let me know when you are available.

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May environmental schedule

May 2 - Plant Sale 9am - 4 pm Annual Van Vleck House & Gardens Plant Sale offering unique and unusual shrubs, vines, perennials, tender perennials and trees. Many of the plants for sale are closely associated with the gardens, including plants favored by the late Howard Van Vleck. Experts will be on hand to answer questions and help visitors navigate the sale. Great Mother's Day gifts. 21 Van Vleck Street Montclair
May 2, Saturday Bloomfield will have an Eco-Fair from 10-2 at Brookside Park on the corner of Bay and Broad Streets.
5/2 -- Rand (Montclair's Environmental Magnet) Annual Community Eco-Fair has a "Green Innovations" tour--a self-guided tour of several residences(includes green kitchen renovations, solar installations, and properties of note) and one commercial property, GreenWorks at 100 Grove--Montclair's first LEED certified commercial space. Tour hours are 12-4 and begin at 176 North Fullerton; tickets $15/person or $20/couple or family. Proceeds support environmental programming and other educational initiatives at Rand. At the Eco-Fair (hours 10-4; no charge): kid-friendly activities (Storytellers: Brian Fox Ellis at 11; Nia Gill at noon), music, vendors, plant sale, and educational workshops. Questions? Call Kelly McDonald at 973-655-0146
Sunday, May 3: West Orange Eco-Energy Fair, 12:00 - 4:00pm Rain or Shine Interactive Workshops & Green Vendor Demonstrations, Liberty Middle School, Kelly Drive20 & Mt. Pleasant Ave., DEP Acting Director Mark Mauriello Guest Speaker. Sponsored by the West Orange Energy Commission, For participation information:
Sunday, May 3, 12-5PM A Gloriously Green Festival will be held at Congregation Agudath Israel at 20 Academy Road in Caldwell, but is an interfaith, community-wide festival. (I, Pat Kenschaft, will be speaking at 2:30 on lawn care.)
Wednesday, May 6 @ 10am and 6pm - Presby Iris Gardens VolunteerDay at Presby Memorial Iris Gardens, 474 Upper Mountain Ave,Montclair. We need your energy and valuable time here at Presby. Whether you are an accomplished gardener or not a gardener at all, we have plenty for you to do. During the Bloom Season (May 10-June 7) we need cashiers for the gift shop and friendly faces to greet our thousands of visitors. In the off season, we are working to reclaim and replant the Victorian garden adjacent to the Walther house, as well as archiving our records and maintaining the Iris database. If you've been thinking about volunteering butdidn't think you had the time, this is the chance you've been looking for, volunteer opportunities are available on both a short term and long term basis - we will work with your schedule! Please come and be a part of the welcoming Presby Family. Call 973 783 5974 or email to learn how to volunteer.
Thursday, May 7, 2009 and Friday, May 8, 9:00am-5:00pm both daysAnnual Herb And Plant Sale sponsored by The Montclair Historical Society, 108 Orange Road, Montclair. 973-744-1796
Saturday, May 9 Montclair Historical Society Museum Shop, Baked goods, Cooking with herbs program, Museum tours, AND MORE! Family Day FunAnnual Herb And Plant Sale - 9:00am-5:00pm
Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 @ 10am-5pm - Garden Club ofMontclair / Presby Iris Gardens Mother's Day Weekend Plant Sale -located at Presby Memorial Iris Gardens, 474 Upper Mountain Ave,Upper Montclair.Two fabulous Plant Sales are being held at Presby Iris Gardens. The Garden Club of Montclair is sponsoring a Deer Resistant Plant Sale featuring a huge selection annuals and perennials, and a collector's corner, as well as deer sprays /repellents. The proceeds from the Garden Club Plant Sale will support the beautification of the Montclair Public Schools. The Presby Iris Gardens sale will feature Irises, Peonies, Daylilies and heirloom vegetables. This combined sale will offer thousands of plants all at very reasonable prices. Experienced gardeners are available for advice, as well as a kid's corner with art projects and light refreshments. Full list of plants available at:
Saturday, May 9, 2009: HISTORIC WALKING TOUR OF ANDERSON PARK:Learn about the founding of Anderson Park a century ago and how itshaped Upper Montclair and led to the formation of other parks intown. Also hear about plans to restore the park's landscape,designed by John Charles Olmsted, and place the park on theNational Register of Historic Places. Free. Sponsored by Friendsof Anderson Park. Meet at the boulder at the park's northeastentrance, near Bellevue Avenue, east of North Mountain Avenue;10:30 a.m. Light rain does not cancel, but heavy rain reschedulesto May 16, same time. Information: (973) 744-8433,
May 9: Glen Ridge will have an Eco-Fair from 10-2 at the corner of Ridgewood Avenue and Bloomfield.
Saturday, May 16: 2:00-5:00 PM (except Pat's) An Open Garden tour sponsored by the Cornucopia Network of NJ: Pat Kenschaft, 56 Gordonhurst Ave. 2:00 - 4:00 PM (last tour begins at 3:30) Displays in front yard will continue until 5:00 PM;Bob McClean, 51 Gordonhurst AvenueGrace Grund, 3 Dodd Street (8 blocks away) She also raises chickens and will host a meeting at 5:00 PM for current and prospective chicken raisers.Kevin Fried, 19 Dodd Street (3 houses down);Anne Sailer, 223 Valley Road; Jose German and Dave Wasmuth, 69 Grove Street;Judy Hinds, 156 Rhoda Avenue, Nutley;Lulu Hicks, 32 Smith Street, Bloomfield (first year garden)
May 17, Sunday 2:00-5:00 PM (except Pat's): Pat Kenschaft, 56 Gordonhurst Ave. 2:00 - 4:00 PM (last tour begins at 3:30) Displays in front yard continue until 5:00 PM;Scott Seale, 280 Upper Mountain Avenue (first year garden);Mary Szumski, 166 Alexander Ave. (first year garden);Necole Fabris, 8 Prospect Place, West Orange
May 19, Gray Russell, the Environmental Affairs Coordinator of Montclair, and expert on global warming, will give a talk at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on the environmental impact of coal mining and coal power plants.
June 30: Brookdale Park Rose Garden - Half a Century Celebration - 11am-4pm Come join The Essex County Master Gardeners and Essex County Parks and Recreation Department to celebrate the rose garden's 50 years of existence. The garden is on the right side as you enter the park via Grove St, Montclair. The parks department will provide refreshments and music. To sponsor a rose bed or to make a donation,email Master Gardener Susan Jankolovits at
This schedule may be forwarded, reproduced, or posted without permission. The information has come from those sponsoring each event.

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